Passionate and committed experts
A success powered by teamwork
One thing is for certain at Cuisines Tech Profab: our greatest strength is our team. Shared human values, exciting future plans and a work environment that is focused on exceptional performance inspire us to go beyond expectations every single day.
From the beginning, we have been lucky enough to be able to count on the genuine and passionate engagement of our team. Professionals that are bringing our brand to the highest points of notoriety by allowing us to always provide the very best for our clients.

Lise Arsenault

Marc Therrien

Administrative Assistant

A factory designed to offer more
Salle de montre
Les capacités exceptionnelles de notre usine nous permettent d’accomplir une grande variété de projets. Voilà la raison pour laquelle nous devenons un partenaire de choix pour nos clients, peu importe leurs besoins en termes d’armoires de cuisine sur mesure. Visitez virtuellement nos installations dotées d’équipements et de technologies de pointe ou discutez avec l’un de nos experts.